Timing and Spacing


The first assignment for this class wasn't very difficult. My biggest problem was remembering that I was meant to upload it to blogger, actually. I haven't done a lot of animation on my own time, but I have been a fan of animation and animation history long enough to be familiar with all these terms. I've also taken a fair share of 3D animation courses, and thankfully, it's much easier for me to conceptualize these terms in a 2D space rather than a 3D one. 

Though, I did find it odd that most of the tutorial videos and explanations of these terms online didn't put it in terms of a timeline like this. They were always finished animations that pointed out the aspects they were using. It's useful to see, but I'm not sure if that's very helpful to a beginner animator. It's easier to conceptualize concepts like this when they're put in the simplest possible terms. 


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